We've built a reputation for being trustworthy, compassionate and reliable for over 16 years! Don't be fooled by the imitators and the fly by night money grabbers who have nothing in mind but lining their pockets at your expense. C & S Locksmith Services is a very real and legitimate entity, our customers are real and our reviews are real and based on actual work performed! Don't be fooled by these people folks and please don't allow a stressful moment to guide you into making a poor decision when searching for a locksmith.
Some very obvious things that will stand out to give you at least a hint that something is wrong or suspicious about any company:
They've allegedly been in business for only 3 years but have 900 reviews.
Most of the fake companies and scammers use strip mall locations as their address.
You call a Locksmith but get a "Call Center" - hang up!
You call a Locksmith and multiple people call you back from different numbers.
There should never be a fee to ask a question folks! The only way to figure out what you need is to ask - we are always here to help. If we can answer your question(s), we will do so FOR FREE! If we don't know the answer to your question, we will tell you that also FOR FREE!